For about two weeks I had hit a really great stride where I felt like everything was going really well. I had changed my eating patterns and felt much less hungry AND less tempted by crappy food or emotional eating. I was running twice a day and taking long walks. I was feeling like I was seeing results.
This week, I feel like that's all a distant memory. What troubles me is why.
I have gone a bit off plan - just a bit. I ate a little too much for dinner on Wednesday night. Today I ate two pieces of small bread with my soup for dinner. Tuesday I ate two granola bars in the afternoon that I didn't need simply due to the fact that I was feeling crappy. Tonight, I actually turned down Rubio's (my favorite fast food) knowing that it was just too many calories to be worth it.
I did 5 miles on Sunday, 2 on Monday, and 4 on Tuesday. Due to soreness in my legs I took Wednesday off, and today, I did another 4 miles.
But...overall...really not any huge problems. Earlier in the week, I fit in to a size 14 dress and it actually looks good. It's...tight...but, I like things fairly tight anyway, and the style works.
So, why do I feel so crappy?
I think I know why, and the reason really freaks me out.
I'm incredibly impatient and obsessive compulsive. Last week, I did my first two mile run on the elliptical machine. It was incredible - knowing that my body can do that. However, this week, I feel like I should keep pushing - that I now need to go 2.5 miles, or 3 miles. I know that I have it in me. I know I can do it. And because I know I can, I feel like I should. I think about how many more calories can be burned, how many more steps I can take.
I think about how the little things can help so much. Running an extra 20 minutes, which in the scale of things, is nothing, burns 300 more calories. That's my entire lunch. Skipping snacks saves calories. These things bother the hell out of me.
I realize that this is incredibly dangerous thinking. The last time I lost a large amount of weight, when I was in high school, I did it through obsessive compulsive restriction of food. It was a bad time for me, and I felt like my food was the only thing I could control. (A story that's far too often true). Once things started clearing, high school was getting closer to being over, and I got a little bit of self confidence, I went back to eating like crap. And, I gained. I have continued to gain since then.
I worry that my obsessive compulsive behavior will doom me to failure because I won't be able to keep up with my own expectations.