Anyone who goes out with me knows that I could handle my alcohol pretty well. While of course, after a few I get a bit slurry and loud, I never got sick, never did anything I regretted, and could drink gin and tonic and whiskey sours all night while my guy friends drink beers. Was a good life.
Things have changed.
Last night, I had three Gin and Tonics separately, with time in between. I knew after the first one I was already affected. After the second one, I was completely buzzed, and the third one did me IN. That? Is NOT usual. And, the drunk was different than I've ever previously felt. I was actually starting to feel a bit nauseous, tired and moody. It wasn't cool.
While driving home, I realized I needed to eat something. My new eating habits are really great in some cases, but totally killed me in this one. I only had a granola bar for dinner, because I just wasn't hungry for more before we left. Obviously, that contributed to my "lightweight" status. If there would have been restaurants open, I would have gotten pizza (EEEEEEEHHHH) but instead, we came home and I made Faux chicken nuggets and FRENCH FRIES (EEEEEHHHHHHH). At 2am.
Oh well. I'm chalking it up to a lesson about my new digestive system.
1 comment:
Hahaha! I love this! This happened to me, too. I was never much of a drinker but yes, once you start changing your eating patterns your alcohol tolerance gets pretty skewed. You'll also notice that as you begin to change the foods you eat, the bad ones will make you sick too. In my case I can't eat fried foods anymore. After a few french fries I get really nauseous, which is a good thing.
I'm SUPER proud of you for doing this. Like anything else in life, the more you put in to weight watchers, the more you get out of it. I hope you're still enjoying it :D
Oh, some more one point foods i thought of: Vitamuffins makes these chocolate walnut brownies that are INCREDIBLE. You can get them at some Safeways and some Raley's/Nob Hill's- they are in the freezer section. You can also order them right off the vitamuffins website- they have a bunch of different flavors, all one point. Also, those weight watchers snack cakes (especially the faux-twinkies) are also incredibly delicious. You can't even tell the faux twinkies are good for you. I could eat my entire points allotment in them alone.
There's even a brand of bagels that are high fiber that I can't recall the name of but they sell them at Andronicos. I can find you the name (you can order them online) if you're interested. Also, shirataki noodles are EXTREMELY filling- if you cook them and add marinara and a little cheese its just like eating pasta. One serving is FORTY CALORIES and no fat. For a whole bag (which is the equivalent of a GINORMOUS bowl of spaghetti) it's only one point. They taste a little weird because they're tofu, but they're SO satisfying if you're famished.
Last, find a free veggie to love and embrace it. I like broccoli (steamed) and also Claussens pickles. No points! You can't beat that!
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