Lots and lots of negative, crappy things happening lately in our little world. I am doing my best not to eat my way out of it. I am doing OK. Nothing terrible...a few more pieces of chocolate.
I don't know if I have mentioned it before, but I have plantar fasciitis in my left foot. I have had two flare-ups since starting my program...one was about two months ago, and the other was just last week. The first time I rested it and it felt better pretty quick. I could still tell that it was inflamed during especially long sessions or walks, but I got by. This time, the pain was so intense that I was unable to walk correctly for a couple of days. Really freaking annoying because the point at which the pain really comes from is almost exactly where my foot sort of bends when I run/walk/elliptical. Apparently there's little that you can really do besides rest it and condition the muscle, so I don't feel as bad that I don't have health insurance to go to the Dr.
Anyway, after two failed attempts(I use the world failed liberally...I was still able to work out but unable to do what I wanted due to the pain) last week at the gym, I was finally able to do another 3 mile run today. I wanted to be up to 3.5 miles this week, but I am just happy to be running again. I am going to try not to push it so the muscle continues to heal.
I don't really want to talk about the other crap going on because it consists of stuff I'm just sick of thinking about. I will tell you one thing: I am sick of dealing with other people's businesses and what those businesses choose to treat their employees like. I am sick of everything being about profit and nothing being about people. There IS a happy medium. I will admit that over the past couple of years, I've let the security of other these other people's payroll hinder my progress both as an artist and as an entrepreneur, but those days are over.
Dave mentioned the job frustrations. Sorry! Hope things all fall into place.
Do you have a nicer running shoe store near you? You must. My NY friends all go to one where they help you find the best shoes and inserts. I am thinking there must be some things they could do to help you out.
Also, I know there are some foot exercises you can do to strengthen that area. But, with your internet skills you've probably seen them.
Sorry to hear that things are crappy. :(
I will keep my fingers crossed that they'll improve soon.
On the upside your workout progress is FANTASTIC!!!! I hope you are completely aware just how far you've come in such short time. I'm completely impressed.
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