Saturday, August 21, 2010

Weight Watchers

A good friend of mine has been trying to get me to try Weight Watchers for quite awhile. She's recently lost her baby weight (and then some) using WW; she loves it. I decided a month ago, when I started to really take control of what I was eating, to try the online service. I am not ambitious enough now to go to meetings - so I like that I could sign up online and get so much of their great services without having to go to the weekly meetings.

So far I really like it. I haven't gotten to the point yet that I track every day, and I need to, because It's really nice to have that accountability. Previously, I had been tracking my caloric intake with a little notebook in my pocket all day. It works, but it sort of sucks :) The idea of points is actually much easier for me and I feel I'm MORE accountable.

I get 30 points a day, currently, based on my weight. The points change as your weight changes. Additionally, I get 35 weekly points, which can be used if I go over 30 points in a day. Those 35 points can be used any day of the week. Finally, when I do exercise, I input it in to the system as Activity. Then, it generates points I get for that activity: example, 10 minutes on the Elliptical is 2 Activity Points. So, Since I usually do 30min, I get 6 additional points for the week to use if I need to. That's in addition to the weekly 35 additional points. So, you can really feel in charge of what's going in and out of your body. I have never gotten up to my 30 points on any day. I kind of like going to bed knowing that I have 5 extra points that I didn't use. :)

Aside from tracking your points and activity, the Weight Watchers interface also has fantastic tools for both finding points in your favorite foods and restaurant foods, and great recipes using certain ingredients. Love.

This week I'll post a sample of what my daily food intake on Weight Watchers looks like.

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